Opportunities to dabble in agriculture for international development
Are you an agriculture enthusiast from Australia keen to work with farmers in developing countries? Here is a list of funded opportunities for you to have a go at it.
This list is NOT comprehensive and will inevitably become outdated. Please reach out to Sam Coggins (sam.coggins@aciar.gov.au) if we’ve missed a golden opportunity OR if any links lose relevance.

Joseph Sul and Simon Quigley working together for the benefit of beef producers in Vanuatu.
- Short overseas experiences (~3-6 weeks)
- ACIAR Farmers Without Borders (anybody). Australian farmers working in overseas research projects with farmers, producer groups, rural businesses and ACIAR partner organisations.
- Crawford Fund International Agricultural Student Awards (undergrad, Master’s and PhD students). Bursaries for Australian students to gain experience and expertise overseas ‘in the field’.
- New Colombo Plan Mobility Program (undergrad students). Funding to Australian universities and consortia to support undergraduate students in semester-based or short-term study, internships, mentorships, practicums and research in the Indo-Pacific.
Emily Lamberton working a rice field at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines with the support of a Crawford Fund International Agricultural Student Award.
- Longer overseas experiences (~3-24 months)
- Australian Volunteers for International Development (anybody >18 years). Supports skilled Australians to volunteer overseas to contribute to locally-driven, sustainable development.
- New Colombo Plan Scholarship (undergrad students). Scholarships for Australian undergraduates to work and study in the Indo-Pacific for ~6-18 months.
- Endeavour Leadership Program (anybody >18 years). Supports Australians to undertake a global mobility experience, within their study, research, or professional field.
- United Nations Internship (undergrad, Master’s and PhD students and recent graduates). First-hand impression of the United Nations working environment.
- World Bank Internship (undergrad, Master’s and PhD students). First-hand exposure to the mission and work of the World Bank Group in international development.
- Australia-based experiences (12-24 months)
- ACIAR Graduate program (Bachelor’s graduates). Non-ongoing work experience opportunity for recent Bachelor’s graduates to taste and contribute to research that benefits farmers in Australia and developing countries.
- Conference scholarships
- Crawford Fund Conference Scholarship (undergrad, Master’s and PhD students). Scholarship to attend the Crawford Fund’s food security conference at Parliament House as well as workshops with mentors experienced in international agricultural research.
- Chicago Council Next Generation Delegation (undergrad, Master’s and PhD students). Scholarship to attend the Chicago-Council’s Global Food Security Symposium in Washington DC.
- Bayer Youth Ag Summit (anybody 18-25 years). Brings together 100 young leaders in agriculture from all over the world once every two years.
- Thought For Food Challenge, Academy and Summit (anybody). Annual competition, educational program and summit created to support and connect aspiring social entrepreneurs focussed on food and agriculture.
Last updated: 12 December 2018