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My name is Steele West and I am a recent PhD graduate at the University of Western Australia. My doctoral dissertation focused on the nexus between productive performance benchmarking and capital structure as drivers of farm business viability. I undertook my PhD whilst working periodically in Southern Africa (South Africa, Zambia, Eswatini, and Namibia primarily) with private and public sector utilities and agribusinesses. Courtesy of the Crawford Fund, I also completed a workshop in productivity and efficiency analysis for agribusinesses at Stellenbosch University in 2016.
I am presently working towards the compilation of a country level data set to apply recent advancements in performance benchmarking in an African context. This is intended to allow me to extend my exploration of African economic integration and advancement, which was the focus of my undergraduate honors thesis at Brown University. If anybody is interested in collaboration on farm level performance or financial analysis, please feel free to contact myself at steele.west@research.uwa.edu.au.