Current Committee

RAID is managed by a dedicated, central committee of international agricultural researchers. RAID’s committee operates in four teams: Senior Management (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), Capacity Building, Communications and Events.

Mikayla (President) is a researcher at Watertrust Australia. She is interested in the intersection of water and food security in development, and the role of woman and young people in shaping a stable, sustainable future.

Mikayla Hyland-Wood

Jess (Vice-President) grew up in Bathurst with a strong connection to agriculture. She attended the University of New England (Armidale) to study a Bachelor of Rural Science and is now completing her PhD while working at NSW Department of Primary Industries as a temperate fruit development officer.

Jessica Fearnley

After working in kitchens around the world, Aditya (Treasurer) is an alum of Uni of Adelaide's masters in global food and agriculture program. He now works towards understanding the complete supply chain with particular interest in agronomy, research and food policy.

Aditya Baxi

Anna (Secretary) is passionate about agriculture for international development to achieve food security through international and cross-cultural mechanisms. Anna previously worked at ACIAR in the Social Systems Program and is now working at DFAT in the international NGO sector.

Anna Mackintosh

Megan (Capacity Building) is an EMCR currently completing her PhD. She works full time with Syngenta in a technical role for their vegetable seeds division. Her focus and love is biological disease control in both broadacre and horticulture.

Megan Williams

Manita Raut (Capacity Development) is a PhD researcher and a John Allwright fellow at the Australian National University's Crawford School of Public Policy. Manita has five years of experience in natural resource management and is committed to gender and socially inclusive water governance.

Manita Raut

Anam (Cap Dev) is a PhD researcher on dairy extension services' impact on farm productivity and nutritional well-being in Pakistani farming households. With 6 years in ACIAR's Dairy-Beef Project, she's a John Allwright Fellow, passionate about dairy production, rural development and food security.

Anam Afzal

Greta (State Rep Co-coordinator) currently works for DAFF as a Senior Policy Officer. She is a soil scientist with an Honours in agriculture. Greta is passionate about the links between nutrition and agriculture, loves soil and legumes and has experience with AG4D volunteering in Fiji.

Greta Stark

John (Partnerships) is a graduate officer at ACIAR. He has a longstanding background in gardening, an ongoing passion for diverse food production systems, and a research focus on exploring traditional crops and cultural practises as a pathway towards sustainable intensification.

John Yaxley

Bridget (Comms) is a PhD candidate at the University of Technology, Sydney. She is a passionate social researcher with an interest in small scale fisheries and sustainable livelihoods. Her current PhD project is investigating the impact of coral reef restoration on livelihoods in the Philippines.

Bridget Mullany

Bek (State Rep Co-coordinator) is a third-year PhD candidate at UTAS and CSIRO, concentrating on context-specific solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation in sustainable livestock systems. She is passionate about international development, sustainability, and policy in agriculture.

Bek Ash

Somia Afzal (Partnerships) is a PhD candidate at the University of Sunshine Coast, researching forest pest control via push-pull techniques. She is dedicated to sustainable forestry solutions. Currently coordinating RAID’s involvement in the 2024 Crawford Fund Conference.

Somia Afzal

Hannah (Comms) graduated from Melbourne University with a Bachelor of Arts & Honours in Screen & Cultural Studies. She wrote her thesis on the transnational Danish film industry, and is excited about connecting her interests in media and communications to agricultural and international development.

Hannah Sinclair

Sue supports RAID Network with general administration. Aside from working with RAID Network, Sue is the Administration Manager of the Crawford Fund.

Sue Faulkner